Metal-Semiconductor Junction
Metal-Semiconductor-Junction is also called hetero-junction because the material on each side of
the junction is not the same. These junctions can also produce diodes.
There are two possible
types of metal-semiconductor junctions:
1. Schottky Junction - These are the junctions in which
work-function of metal is greater than the work-function of a semiconductor.
2. Ohmic Junction – These are the junctions in which
work-function of metal is less than the work-function of a semiconductor.
Now let us discuss
these two types of junctions in detail-
1. Schottky Junction –
One of the first
practical semiconductor devices used in the early 1900s was metal-semiconductor diodes. This diode also called a point contact whisper to
an exposed semiconductor surface. These metal-semiconductor diodes were not
easily reproduced or mechanically reliable and were replaced by the PN junction
in the 1950s.
However, semiconductor
and vacuum technology is now used to fabricate reproducible and reliable
metal-semiconductor contacts. In most cases, the rectifying contacts are made
on n-type semiconductor for this reason we will concentrate on this type of
Qualitative Characteristics – The ideal energy-band diagram for a particular metal and n-type semiconductor before making contact is shown in Fig.1. The vacuum level is used as a reference level.
The parameteris the metal work-function (measure in volts),
is the semiconductor work-function and
is known as electron affinity.
. The ideal thermal-equilibrium
metal-semiconductor energy band diagram, for this situation, is shown in Fig.2.
The parameteris the ideal barrier height of the
semiconductor contact, the potential barrier is seen by electrons in the metal
trying to move into the semiconductor. This barrier is known as the Schottky
barrier and is given by
On the semiconductor side,is the built-in potential barrier. This
barrier is the barrier seen by electrons in the conduction band trying to move
into the metal. The built-in potential barrier is given by
If a positive voltage
is applied to the metal with respect to the semiconductor, the
semiconductor-to-metal barrieris reduced while
remains constant. In this situation, electrons
can move easily flow from the semiconductor into the metal since the barrier
has been reduced. This bias condition is the forward bias. If we apply a
positive voltage to the semiconductor with respect to the metal, the
semiconductor-to-metal barrier height increases, while
remains constant in this idealized case. This
bias condition is the reverse bias. The energy-band diagrams for the forward
and reverse bias are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4, where
is the magnitude of the forward-bias voltage
is the magnitude of the reverse-bias voltage
The Energy-band diagram
versus voltage for the metal-semiconductor Junction shown in Fig.3 is very
similar to these of the p-n junction. Because of similarity, we expect the
current-voltage characteristics of the Schottky barrier junction to be similar
to the exponential behavior of the p-n junction diode. In forward bias, the
barrier seen by the electrons in the semiconductor is reduced, so the majority charge carrier electrons flow more easily from the semiconductor into the metal. The
forward-bias current is in the direction from metal to semiconductor, it is an exponential
function of the forward-bias voltage So act as a rectifying contact.
2. Metal-semiconductor
ohmic Junction –
Contacts must be made
between any semiconductor device and the outside world. These contacts are made
via ohmic contacts. Ohmic contacts are metal-to-semiconductor contacts, but in
this case, they are not rectifying contacts. An ohmic contact is low-resistance
junction providing conduction in both directions between the metal and the
semiconductor. Two general types of ohmic contacts are possible: The first type
is the ideal non-rectifying barrier, and the second is the tunneling barrier.
Ideal Non-rectifying
Barrier –
In Fig.5 we see the
energy levels before contact and in Fig.6, the barrier after contact for
thermal equilibrium.
To achieve thermal
equilibrium in this junction, electrons will flow from the metal into the lower
energy states in the semiconductor, which makes the surface of the
semiconductor more n-type. The excess electron charge in the n-type
semiconductor exists essentially as a surface charge density. If a positive
voltage is applied to the metal, there is no barrier to electrons flowing from
the semiconductor into the metal. If a positive voltage is applied to the
semiconductor, the effective barrier height for electrons flowing from the
metal into the semiconductor will be approximately, which is fairly small for a moderately to the heavily doped semiconductor. For this
bias condition, electrons can easily flow from the metal into the
semiconductor. Fig.7 shows the energy band diagram. When a positive voltage is
applied to the metal with respect to the semiconductor. Electrons can easily
flow “down-hill” from the semiconductor into the metal. Fig.8 shows the case
when a positive voltage is applied to the semiconductor with respect to the
metal. The electron can easily flow over the barrier from the metal into the
semiconductor. This junction, thus, is an ohmic contact.
Tunneling Barrier –
The space charge within
a rectifying metal-semiconductor contact is inversely proportional to the
square root of the semiconductor doping. The width of the depletion region
decreases as the doping concentration increases. The probability to tunneling
through the barrier.
Fig.9 shows a junction
in which the metal is in contact with a heavily doped n-type epitaxial layer.
The tunneling current has the form
The tunneling current
increases exponentially with doping concentration.
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